the pain

I used to feel trapped, overwhelmed, and lonely. I was that friend you hesitated to call, knowing I'd complain about my monotonous cycle: waking up, going to work, coming home, fighting, phoning a friend, complaining, crying, and sleeping – over and over again. But it wasn't always like this. In my younger days, I was full of curiosity and wonder for life. Over time, as life unfolded, I lost touch with my authentic self.

The Need

After the birth of my son and almost losing my second child at 28-weeks into my pregnancy, I knew something had to change. My current path was toxic and destructive.

Determined to rebuild my strength, I dove into mixed martial arts. This rigorous discipline not only honed my physical abilities but also forced me to confront and reshape my mental and emotional habits.

The Change

Over the course of two years, I dedicated myself to this new path. Month after month, I focused on building my resilience and cultivating a sense of self. It was a gradual process, but with each passing month, I could feel myself becoming stronger – not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. The glass ceilings I created started to crack and the doors that used to close opened to new and bolder opportunities. I began to crave more for myself, both personally and professionally. Understanding the complexities within us builds resilience and provides the clarity needed for meaningful change.

Fast Tracking

My professional life has spanned over twenty-two years in the field of cyber and information security, which has been recognized with published interviews in the CISO 2020 Top 100 African Journal. I tasted and understood the ability to challenge my mindset. The need to master my ability to think beyond conditions was my new personal mission.

Understanding the beliefs and systems that limit our growth is essential to pushing through the barriers standing in our way.


My spiritual practices with the School of Samaya have significantly expanded my understanding of mindfulness, self-awareness, and purpose. The concept of ‘limitless’ was no longer a thought or a movie. In my world it is being the best version of myself. Conscious decisions are made when we gain access to the understanding of mindful presence and self-awareness.

Finding My Purpose

I founded Lifepod Coaching after realizing that a deep sense of hurt drove me to make the first step, passion helped me pursue every step in the journey there after and purpose is where I am going. Lifepod Coaching is built on my innate desire to serve each individual I interact with, firmly believing in their potential to break through their mental barriers and achieve limitless possibilities. My personal motto, “Be present, love fearlessly, and choose wisely”, acts as a beacon, constantly reminding me to live fully in the present, show up with love and compassion, and make mindful, intentional choices.